Undergraduate Honors Thesis
They Rage: A Documentation of Release and Resistance 公开 Deposited
- Abstract
They Rage: A Documentation of Release and Resistance is a photo and interview series that documents women(+)’s process of relating to anger in a controlled environment. This piece aims to challenge the societal notion that women(+)’s anger should not be seen in the public sphere. Viewers are forced to acknowledge the nuanced and complicated relationship that women(+) have with anger and it’s connection to a fight for broader social equity. This process utilizes the concept of combining controlled portraiture with documentary photography. The work stands as a combination of uncontrolled moments within a controlled environment in order to form a universal idea of what anger is. This piece challenges the notion of objectivity in any photography process, as my presence and observations are inserted into the work, highlighting my own positionalities. This piece aims to contribute to ongoing conversation among journalists and academics on the power of women(+)’s anger, and the place it historically and currently takes in United Politics.
- Creator
- Date Awarded
- 2020-04-07
- Academic Affiliation
- Advisor
- Committee Member
- Granting Institution
- 贡献者
- Subject
- 最新修改
- 2020-04-10
- 相关链接
- Resource Type
- 权利声明
- Language
- License
- 属于 Collection:
缩略图 | 标题 | 上传日期 | 公开度 | 行动 |
Final_Thesis.docx | 2020-04-09 | 公开 | 下载 |
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