Other Scholarly Content
The Status of English Language Learners in Florida: Trends and Prospects Público Deposited
- Abstract
- This brief examines how Florida annually provides equal educational opportunities to almost 300,000 non-native English speaking students who have been identified through surveys and testing as Limited English Proficient (LEP). In particular, it examines the ongoing efforts of the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) to meet both the letter and spirit of the 1990 Consent Decree between the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the Florida Department of Education.
- Creator
- Date Issued
- 2004-01-01
- Academic Affiliation
- Subject
- Teacher Education
- Education Policy
- Early Childhood Education
- Student Achievement
- Vouchers
- Curriculum and Teaching
- Equity and Social Justice
- Assessment
- Culture
- Class
- Charter Schools
- and Professional Development
- and/or Gender
- Class Size
- Market-Based School Reforms
- Quality
- Ethnicity
- Policy
- High-Stakes Testing and Evaluation
- Language and Learning
- School Evaluation
- Diversity: Race
- Politics
- Grade Retention
- Poverty
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act
- Teacher Evaluation
- School Finance and Funding
- Accountability and Testing
- School Reform and Restructuring
- and School Practices
- Última modificação
- 2020-01-02
- Resource Type
- Declaração de direitos
- Language
- License
- Em Collection:
Miniatura | Título | Data de carga | Acesso | Ações |
theStatusOfEnglishLanguageLearnersInFloridaTrendsAndPr.pdf | 2020-01-02 | Público | Baixar |