Imaginary companions are conceptualized as phenomena of world + x construction ani reconstruction, and parameters relevant to whether or not a person constructs a world with an imaginary someone are presented. Access to facts about three kinds of companions - imaginary companions of childhood, ghostly companions, and take-away apparitions -...
This report is a transcript of a presentation at the Society for Descriptive Psychology Annual Conference at Pensacola Beach, Florida in October, 1990.
A paradigm case formulation of technology is developed to provide a conceptual framework for addressing the process of culture change. The Descriptive Psychology approach to the concept of culture is reviewed followed by a conceptualization of the transfer of technology across cultures. The Technology Transfer Model illustrates the potential for...
Concepts from Descriotive Psychology are used in redescribing chronically mentally ill persons as individuals who have been "drooped out" of their various communities. These communities can include the entire range of possibilities: friendships, families, neighborhoods, municipalities. nations. and cultures. An approach to treatment is outlined that stresses changinq these communities...
Transcription of a talk presented to The Society for Descriptive Psychology Tenth Annual Conference, October 9, 1988. Originally published as LRI Report No. 42a.
This paper the addresses the general problem of the conceptual schema in database systems. It concludes that a fundamentally new approach to data models that treats concepts as concepts rather than as something else is clearly required. The State of Affairs System is evaluated in this regard, and found to...
Final Technical Report, F30602-85-C-0190. This project investigated (a) the representational requirements and (b) the computer implementation requirements for applying the State of Affairs (SA) approach to a central type of I&W; problem. The main knowledge base requirements were identified as tables of (a) social practice representations and (b) scenario representations,...
This report is a transcript of a paper presented at the Society for Descriptive Psychology annual conference at Boulder, Colorado in October, 1987. I. Hypothesis a. Background data b. Hypothesis: Concreteness as significance deficit II. Explanation 1 a. Background data: concrete / context 6. Significance/context/reality/concrete/Little White Balls c. Distortion of...
This report is a transcript of the didactic portion of a workshop on projective techniques held at the eighth annual conference of the Society for Descriptive Psychology in Boulder, Colorado, 1987.