Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Nicotine Addiction: Challenges and Recommendations Pubblico Deposited

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  • This review is a synthesis of current knowledge based on tobacco and nicotine research.
    Special emphasis is placed on adolescents, who are highly sensitive to addiction, as targets of
    nicotine companies. Types of nicotine use are described briefly, as well as the broad impact of
    cigarettes and E-cigarettes on American society. Then, the history of tobacco companies, their
    advertising campaigns specifically geared towards youth, and their increasingly addictive and
    problematic products are summarized. Next, biological impacts of smoking nicotine products on
    the lungs, the brain, and the microbiome and immune system are described with attention to
    common nicotine-associated pathways and mechanisms. A brief summary is given of the
    complex effects of pure nicotine (rather than smoking). Moreover, treatments that aid in smoking
    cessation are described, along with their limitations and barriers that prevent nicotine addicts
    from quitting. This insight is used to formulate recommendations for future research, specifically
    into smoking by adolescents as well as into empathetic and holistic approaches that can also
    inform public attitudes and policy making as well as early prevention. Concerning preventive
    approaches, I recommend an approach to education of youth that focuses on building
    emotion-regulation skills for improved coping mechanisms and life skills as opposed to scare
    tactics to discourage drug use. In summary, a comprehensive approach, integrating multiple
    perspectives and factors, has the potential to have positive impacts on the life and health of
    individuals, their communities, and society at large.

Date Awarded
  • 2024-04-09
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Ultima modifica
  • 2024-04-15
Resource Type
Dichiarazione dei diritti

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