Undergraduate Honors Thesis
“Nunca Volverás a Sonreír": A Critique of Roma’s Representations of Indigeneity, Gender, and Class Público Deposited
- Abstract
The purpose of this project is to understand how Cleo’s representation in the film, Roma, signals Mexico’s relationship to indigeneity as well as gendered violence and colonization. As a prominent character in the film, Cleo shows how dominant ideologies and narratives are enforced in everyday interactions. To better understand how these ideologies are reinforced and how indigeneity is represented in Mexican media, this study utilizes a proposed Indigenous Latinx racial rhetorical criticism (ILRR) framework to examine intersectional articulations of identity. The ILRR framework allows rhetorical scholars to critique and examine representations of indigeneity, race, class, and gender within Mexican media.
- Creator
- Date Awarded
- 2020-04-10
- Academic Affiliation
- Advisor
- Committee Member
- Granting Institution
- Subject
- Última modificación
- 2020-04-20
- Resource Type
- Declaración de derechos
- Language
- Citation
- Jackson, Zoë N., ““Nunca Volverás a Sonreír": A Critique of Roma’s Representations of Indigeneity, Gender, and Class” (2020). Communication Undergraduate Honors Thesis. https://scholar.colorado.edu/comm_ugrad
- License
- En Collection:
Miniatura | Título | Fecha de subida | Visibilidad | Acciones |
Jackson__Zoe_2020_Nunca_Volver%C3%A1s_a_Sonre%C3%ADr.docx | 2020-04-17 | Público | Descargar |