Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Policy Stringency & Gas and Oil Industry Employment: Factors Influencing Stringent Environmental Policy Público Deposited

Alternative Title
  • This research examines the relationship between renewable portfolio standard policy stringency and gas and oil industry employment rates. The original hypotheses studied in this research include two parts, (a) the lower the gas and oil employment rate, the more stringent an RPS policy is in a given state will be in that respective state, and (b), the lower the total unemployment rate will be in that respective state, the more stringent an RPS policy is in a given state, were disconfirmed. The findings observed in this regression prove the positive correlations found in both of my original hypotheses are not statistically significant, suggesting no observable effects on policy stringency. However, my research highlights statistically significant correlations between RPS policy stringency and other observed dependent variables including “investor-owned utilities,” retail suppliers,” “solar radiation,” and “per capita income.” These observed correlations offer valuable insight into the factors influencing high RPS policy stringency, including a state’s financial capacity and access to abundant natural resources. This research highlights that states with higher levels of solar radiation and per capita income are more likely to adopt stringent RPS policies This research also challenges preconceived notions on the relationship between stringent RPS policies and gas and oil employment, potentially influencing positive public opinion and perception on the U.S.’ clean energy transition.

Date Awarded
  • 2024-03-20
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Última modificação
  • 2024-04-22
  • Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO
Resource Type
Declaração de direitos
  • Escandon, A. J. (2024, March 20). Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Policy Stringency & Gas and Oil Industry Employment: Factors Influencing Stringent Environmental Policy.


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