Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Politics as Usual: The Pirate Party and New Politics in OECD Countries Pubblico Deposited

  • Standard bearer left and right parties, the customary powers for over a century, are under siege from new political movements that range from green and animal rights parties to a resurgent radical right. One piece of this new politics movement is a party that began in Sweden. Focusing on intellectual property rights and technology, specifically the internet, the Pirate Party of Sweden achieved representation in the European Parliament in June of 2009. This success has lead to the emergence of other Pirate Parties across Europe and even Canada. This paper seeks to answer what domestic factors would result in individuals forming and voting for Pirate Parties, a small piece of this new politics movement. Analysis is done using logistic regressions of variables corresponding to four schools of thought. After the data is analyzed, the evidence points to the Pirate Party being the result of electoral structural (the effective number of parties) and the culmination of values change in the 34 OECD countries.
Date Awarded
  • 2011-04-04
Academic Affiliation
Granting Institution
Ultima modifica
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type
Dichiarazione dei diritti

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