Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Electron Hydrodynamics with X-momentum Conservation Public Deposited

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  • The flow of electrons in most materials is nearly Ohmic – that is the current density is uniform

    and proportional to the applied voltage. In these materials the contributions from electron-electron

    collisions are negligible when compared to electron-ion collisions and even moreso when compared

    to the contributions from electron-impurity collisions [1]. Historically, the approach in solid-state

    physics has been to treat these contributions collectively neglecting the nuance between momentum

    relaxation and conservation – embodied in the Drude model under a single collision time τ [2].

    However, as far back as the 1960s it has been suggested that hydrodynamic flow characterized

    by viscous effects may be observed in ultra-pure, low temperature metals when electron-electron

    interactions again become significant [3]. A schematic depicting these two types of flows is shown in

    Figure 1, in the hydrodynamic flow the velocity is maximal at the center and suppressed along the

    edges. This phenomena went mostly ignored until the early 21st century when rapid advancement

    in the fabrication of ultra-pure materials enabled experimental detection of these effects. Since

    then signatures of electron hydrodynamics has been detected in a variety of correlated electron

    materials such as graphene [4], W T e2 [5], P dCoO2 [6], W P2 [7]. The purity of these materials may

    be observed by the fact that the resistance of the materials is directly proportional to their scattering

    rates. Experimental evidence for this flow is shown in Figure 2 . This technological advancement

    and the commercial success of materials such as graphene has created renewed interest in this

    field and necessitated the development of theories which accommodate the effects of hydrodynamic

    effects. In this paper we will develop one such theory – but first we will provide a primer on modern


Date Awarded
  • 2024-04-15
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Last Modified
  • 2024-04-16
Resource Type
Rights Statement


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