Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Standing Up For Women In Comedy: An Analysis On Women In Standup Comedy Pubblico Deposited

  • Pitch: We live in a gendered society with gendered industries. As a subgenre to the highly stereotypical and misogynistic entertainment industry, standup comedy is no exception. Through my research and subject interviews, I'm deep-diving into why and how standup comedy remains so polarized and gendered in a post #MeToo society. I'm analyzing the overtime, obstacles, and sacrifices female comics have to make in order to gain success in this patriarchal industry. 
    Methods: For my project, I’m creating a mini-podcast series with a mix of episodes where I discuss standup comedy and the industry's history with female comics, media studies experts, and gender studies experts. Interviews can be done in person or over Zoom depending on the interviewee's location. 


Date Awarded
  • 2022-04-06
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Ultima modifica
  • 2022-04-29
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