Undergraduate Honors Thesis
Coupling Light into Photonic-Crystal Waveguides Público Deposited
- Abstract
- The development of systems with strong atom-photon interactions has many applications including quantum simulation and quantum computation. The hallmark of these systems is the coupling of single atoms to single photons. When conducting experiments with these systems, the measured signal is on the single photon level, making the measuring process extremely important. In this thesis, we discuss the development of a new scheme for coupling photons into and out of our experiment, including the requirements for such a system to be practical. We successfully demonstrate one way coupling of 50% over the range of wavelengths necessary for our experiment. Finally, we discuss future improvements to the system necessary for implementing it in our current experiment. My contributions to this project are helping design the optical system for coupling light into the waveguides, and testing the various optical system designs.
- Creator
- Date Awarded
- 2018-01-01
- Academic Affiliation
- Advisor
- Committee Member
- Granting Institution
- Subject
- Última modificación
- 2019-12-02
- Resource Type
- Declaración de derechos
- Language
- En Collection:
Miniatura | Título | Fecha de subida | Visibilidad | Acciones |
couplingLightIntoPhotonicCrystalWaveguides.pdf | 2019-11-21 | Público | Descargar |