Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Understanding the Factors that Lead States to Adopt Anti-Hazing Laws Pubblico Deposited

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  • What may cause a state to adopt an anti-hazing law or have a tougher anti-hazing law than other states? This paper looks at what factors may cause a state to have a tougher anti-hazing law. Such factors that were examined were political culture, and the number of hazing-related deaths prior to the law being passed. The results show that the number of hazing-related deaths is significant in determining if a state has a tougher anti-hazing law. In addition, the interaction between moralistic culture and hazing-related deaths was statistically significant. Factors that may cause a university to have a tougher anti-hazing policy were also analyzed. Such factors that were examined were political culture, the number of hazing-related deaths, having an anti-hazing law or not, and state toughness. It was found that having an anti-hazing law contributed to a university’s anti-hazing policy being tougher and in some cases the state law toughness was significant in determining if the university policy could be categorized as weak or strong. Pulling this all together it would appear that having more hazing-related deaths leads to tougher anti-hazing laws and have anti-hazing laws or tougher anti-hazing laws then leads to tougher university anti-hazing policies.
Date Awarded
  • 2019-01-01
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Ultima modifica
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type
Dichiarazione dei diritti

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