Undergraduate Honors Thesis


The Academic Merit of Outdoor Education and Leadership Training for Undergraduate Environmental Studies Students: An Examination of the University of Colorado-Boulder and the National Outdoor Leadership School 公开 Deposited

  • This paper seeks to examine the relationship between outdoor education and leadership training, and a traditional undergraduate environmental studies education. The research I conducted helped me answered the question: What is the academic merit of Environmental Studies and Leadership college credit earned through the National Outdoor Leadership School for undergraduate Environmental Studies students at the University of Colorado Boulder? Through a curriculum comparison of the University of Colorado, Boulder Environmental Studies Program and the National Outdoor Leadership School Environmental Studies and Leadership curriculums, combined with interviews of administrators and instructors from both programs and survey information gathered from current and former Environmental Studies Students at the University of Colorado Boulder, my research clearly shows a compatibility between the National Outdoor Leadership School and the University of Colorado Boulder Environmental Studies program and that outdoor education and leadership training provide a clear benefit to Environmental Studies Students.
Date Awarded
  • 2018-01-01
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type


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