

Religion Without Doctrine Pubblico Deposited

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  • This report is a transcript of a talk delivered to the First Unitarian Fellowship, Boulder, Colorado on November 5, 1978. "The main reason I'm here today is that Earlene suggested a general topic that would be of interest to this group, and it's one that I have had some experience with in a different context, and that topic is, "How do you do without doctrine?" I've had a lot of experience doing without doctrine in practicing psychology, in conceptualizing science, in theorizing, and so forth. So as somebody who has been through some of the hard knocks of getting along without doctrines, I thought that I might share some of the ideas that I've found useful in other areas, and then lay upon you the task of transferring -- if you can some of those ideas to the specific issue of religion and spiritual life."
Date Issued
  • 1978-04-01
Additional Information
  • Transcriber: Mary McDermott Shideler
Academic Affiliation
Ultima modifica
  • 2019-12-22
  • scap_ossorioLRI_19_religionWithout
Resource Type
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