Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


The Artist's Supplementary Communication 公开 Deposited
  • This dissertation is submitted as a supplement to a creative thesis consisting of six prints. The author proposes that when introducing his creative work, the artist take the initiative to find supplementary devices to further his communication.

    Among modern artists there is a tendency towards greater use of publication facilities containing their statements of intentions of explanations of personal aesthetics. If these statements are recognized as secondary to the true means of communication, which is to be found in the artist’s creative work, this would appear to be a legitimate undertaking.

    Since modern art uses a unique pictorial language, the artist and spectator often lack a common means of communication. This loss of mutual comprehensibility is detrimental to both the artist and the community; for whether or not they acknowledge it, each needs the other.

    The artist must communicate if he is to justify his existence. It is therefore reasonable for the artist to resort to an intermediary force to established rapport with his public. Authors frequently rely on a preface and other similar communication devices to insure a more complete understanding of their message.

    The author therefore proposes that artist and community will benefit by the employment of such practices.

Date Issued
  • 1953-08-11
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
  • 2020-11-25
Resource Type

