Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Alone Out There Público Deposited

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  • Alone Out There is a fantastical escapist island that addresses the interplay between youthful sincerity and paranoid sarcasm. It is designed to whisper the startling realization of openness and unknowing that young adults undergo; the world that was once at their fingertips is now turned inside out. The borders and limitations that once were to be hurdled, become the only tether in an uncharted infinity. An oceanic chasm must be bridged and traversed, the dualities of optimism and pessimism are situated on opposite but unknown shores. Utilizing the buoyancy of youth, there is al lightness to this vessel that is agile, yet unguarded. Looking out over the uncertain expanse, a wavering confidence ripples though the captain and his craft. The tried and trusted must be abandoned and wagered for the guaranteed loneliness allocated to those that simultaneously run from, and towards, the abyss of oneself.
Date Issued
  • 2012
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Última modificação
  • 2019-11-18
Resource Type
Declaração de direitos

