Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Analysis of California’s Formative Energy Storage Policy Pubblico Deposited

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  • Energy storage technologies hold the potential to allow further penetration of clean renewable energy sources onto the grid, decarbonizing the energy supply. Supportive policies at the state or national level can encourage the implementation of energy storage. This thesis investigates the impact of California’s pivotal energy storage policy, AB 2514 the Skinner Bill of 2010. Results of this investigation (with data collected from interviews and other sources) indicate that this policy was a success. Although the bill’s effects are still ongoing, progress is being made towards procurement and other goals. In the future if other states desire to create their own energy storage policies, traits from the Skinner Bill can act as a framework. Factors such as policy cost-effectiveness and flexibility; governance and energy market environments; and co-occurrence of renewable energy sources can influence a policy’s success. Energy, greenhouse gas, and monetary savings are also markers of efficacy.
Date Issued
  • 2018
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Ultima modifica
  • 2019-11-17
Resource Type
Dichiarazione dei diritti

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