Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Discovery and Control of Quantum States in 4d/5d Transition Metal Materials Public Deposited
  • The burgeoning field of strongly spin-orbit-coupled, correlated 4d/5d transition metal materials concerns systems beyond the traditional Mott insulators and topological materials. The delicate interplay among spin-orbit interaction, on-site Coulomb interactions, Hund’s energy, crystal field splitting, and p-d orbital hybridization offers a fertile ground for the discovery of emergent quantum states that is also extremely susceptible to small external stimuli. In this thesis, we discuss our recent efforts in two parts:

    The first part of this thesis is devoted to the discovery of emergent phenomena in newly synthesized materials, such as a unique Kitaev quantum liquids candidate with undistorted honeycomb lattices, and a new type of frustration mechanism that involves Ir3O12 trimer lattice.

    The second part of the thesis focuses on the development of innovative approaches to control the highly susceptible ground state in the 4d/5d transition metal materials, such as by a combination of hydrostatic pressure and anisotropic magnetostriction in Ca3Ru2O7, the application of electric current in a model system of Ca2RuO4, and magnetosynthesis in a three 4d/5d model systems.

Date Issued
  • 2022-11-15
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Dernière modification
  • 2024-01-11
Resource Type
Déclaration de droits

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