Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Considerations for transparent donation systems: proposing a new donation system for Indian orphanages Público Deposited

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  • Orphanages raise part of their operation funds through online donation sites which provide means for money transfer and provide basic information on donation usage and orphanage details. Yet, current donation sites are insufficient for donors who want to track their donations and the resulting outcome it caused. Through our research it became evident that donation sites lack transparency with regards to information on who specifically benefited from the donation money, for what end it was used, and how it impacted the targeted community. Upon researching various existing donation sites, we conducted a survey on 600 individuals, both donors and non-donors, to better understand the importance of transparency in donor motivation. A large number of donors in our survey were unaware of who their money helped and how it was being used. Many of these donors were also unsatisfied with the donation process and were therefore less likely to donate again. Our qualitative analysis on the data found that females with master‘s degree are the ideal demographic that cares about transparency and donates far more than other groups. We also performed usability testing on 12 participants to evaluate the effectiveness of current donation systems and effective ways to structure donation website layouts. Our finding suggests that donors cannot always find the necessary information on donation sites and that the page layout played a key role in this difficulty. By understanding the importance of transparency and web design, we present a restructured donation site with a user-friendly layout and accessible information. The goal of the donation system is to increase donor participation and promote a more active interaction between donors and orphanages. In addition to our recommended solution, we also point to the role of community participation for a sustained impact.
Date Issued
  • 2011
Academic Affiliation
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Última modificación
  • 2019-11-18
Resource Type
Declaración de derechos

