Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


A Comparative Study of Central Supply Services Administered Under Nursing and Non-nursing Management 公开 Deposited
  • The purpose of this study was to determine, on the basis of opinions of head nurses, directors of nursing service and hospital administrators, whether a central supply service could be operated as efficiently under non-nursing administrative control as it could be under the control of the nursing department. The normative-survey method of research was used for the investigation of the problem and the tool utilized for gathering the data was the questionnaire. Two questionnaires were constructed. One, which requested background information as well as opinions, was submitted to directors of nursing service in twenty-five hospitals in which the central supply service functioned under the nursing department and to hospital administrators in twenty-five hospitals in which the central supply service functioned under a non-nursing department. The second questionnaire, which elicited opinions was sent to four head nurses in each one of the fifty hospitals. The opinions of the head nurses indicated that those who worked with the central supply functioning under a non-nursing department were just as satisfied with the services they received as those who worked with it under the nursing department. The study showed that directors of nursing service tend to regard the management of the central supply as a vital nursing function. Hospital administrators tend to regard the management of the central supply as a complex, specialized operation and to believe that the graduate nurse should devote her knowledge and skill to more direct nursing care activities. The overall results of this study indicate that central supply departments administered under non-nursing management render as efficient service as do central supply departments administered by the nursing service.
Date Issued
  • 1960
Academic Affiliation
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
  • 2019-11-14
Resource Type


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