Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Haptic Wake Público Deposited

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  • I use art making as a way to explore my personal history. In this paper I will reflect on that history and conceptual theories of art making. In the installation Haptic Wake I am exploring my transient journey of personal growth. The elements of the installation reflect this idea of growth through the use of the body and the time-based medium of video.

    I am interested in installation as a narrative structure. Installation allows many objects to come together in a space. The objects then activate this space. These objects become elements that come together to create a new atmosphere. This surrounding space immerses the viewer in an experience. I am asking my viewer to participate in my installation by experiencing the artistic elements that I have presented in a given space.


    In an installation the artist is asking the viewer to participate through sensations. The viewer is asked to question the intentions of the artist. The viewers are asked to locate themselves in the surrounding space of the installation; this is haptic perception. Haptic is defined as the ability of the individual to perceive the world adjacent to his or her body through a physical experience.

Date Issued
  • 2007-05-07
Additional Information
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Última modificação
  • 2022-05-03
Resource Type
Declaração de direitos

