Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Are We Prepared? Increased Drought Vulnerability Due to Climate Change and State Drought Plan Preparedness Público Deposited

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  • Climate change is one of the largest uncertainties surrounding water resources throughout the end of the century. Warming temperatures have a cascading effect with regard to water, driving up natural and human demand. Changing climatic patterns will also increase the risk of extreme events. One of the costliest and misunderstood natural disasters is drought. In recent years drought planning has moved from a mode of crisis/reactionary management to one of risk/preparedness management. While this shift in planning has occurred in some states, others have not moved beyond reactionary planning. Climate change has the potential of increasing the frequency and severity of drought through the end of century. This research quantifies the increased risk of drought due to climate change and analyzes the state drought policy of a region with amplified drought risk. The research finds that many states lack the inclusion of climate induced drought risk when planning. Finally, recommendations for addressing increased drought risk due to climate change at a state level are provided.
Date Issued
  • 2018
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Última modificação
  • 2019-11-18
Resource Type
Declaração de direitos

