Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Crowd Dynamics of Athletic Events Público Deposited
  • This thesis will research crowd dynamics of athletic events. Specifically, this thesis will test the effectiveness of a crowdsourced scoring system of volleyball matches. To aid in the research of this thesis, I am using the TallyBok app that I have developed over the past year. TallyBok is a crowd sourced score alert mobile application developed for iOS and Android that targets the parents of volleyball players. TallyBok’s primary goal is to keep family and friends engaged with multiple matches at once, able to follow the scores of their favorite teams even when they are attending another physically-separated match. In addition, TallyBok allows its users to share photos and comments with others viewing a match. The users themselves are responsible for scoring the matches they are watching. For testing, I will use high school volleyball matches. For each match, a test group of parents will be directed to download the TallyBok app and follow the match. In one test group, I will do all the match scoring and the test subjects will only follow the match. In another test group, I will begin to score the match but at a certain point will not update the match, forcing one of the members from the test group to score the match. In the final test group, I will not participate, forcing the test users to score the match themselves. These test will give insight into the dynamics of allowing match scores to be crowd sourced, as well as provide insight into how user friendly and intuitive the TallyBok app is for following live matches.
Date Issued
  • 2014
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Última modificação
  • 2019-11-18
Resource Type
Declaração de direitos

