Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Effects of Cogmed on Receptive and Expressive Language: A Case Study Public Deposited
  • Objective: Working memory capacity has been correlated with receptive and expressive language skills. Research suggests that Cogmedᵀᴹ, an adaptive working memory training program, improves working memory capacity. This study analyzed the effects of Cogmedᵀᴹ on trained working memory tasks and whether the presumed gains in working memory capacity generalized to improved language skills for a 10-year-old child with language deficits. Method: The six-week Cogmedᵀᴹ training was completed. CELF-4 was used to measure language skills at baseline and 7-months post-training. A sentence repetition task was used during the intervention. Results: The participant improved minimally on trained working memory tasks, more than one standard deviation below the average improvement reported by Cogmedᵀᴹ. There was no improvement on language measures. Conclusion: Working memory capacity may be improved through training, but far transfer effects are unlikely. The amount of resources and motivation needed to complete Cogmedᵀᴹ make it challenging to implement in a school setting.

Date Issued
  • 2014
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Dernière modification
  • 2020-01-13
Resource Type
Déclaration de droits

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