Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


The Foundations of Modern American Trumpet Pedagogy Öffentlichkeit Deposited

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  • The physical and musical demands of the trumpet are complex and three-
    dimensional, providing many angles from which the student can approach the
    instrument. Thus, the concepts behind teaching the trumpet, as with any
    instrument, depend on the student, the teacher, and the time period. This
    variability persists despite the modern instrument’s invariable nature. That is not
    to say that any particular pedagogical approach is incorrect. Many perspectives
    have been explored by the various pedagogical “schools” that have lain the
    groundwork for modern instruction.

    Contemporary pedagogy has pulled from many of the older approaches, and
    modern instruction has reached a level of standardization through a blending of
    these older concepts. However, there is still variability within methodology, either
    in content or balance of fundamental principles. The responsibility of the student
    and the teacher is to ascertain which aspects of these pedagogical schools have the
    potential to guide the student to success. However, without a knowledge of the
    evolution and inconsistencies between pedagogical approaches, students are left
    without a full understanding of the methodologies that they are attempting to
    evaluate. Within this study, I strive to detail the six core pedagogical schools that
    have shaped modern trumpet pedagogy, as well as study the pedagogues who
    further developed the concepts within those schools. By doing so, we can provide
    students, young and old, with a better understanding of the origins of pedagogical
    concepts still being used today.

Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Zuletzt geändert
  • 2024-05-01
Resource Type

