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Funding Florida's Schools: Adequacy, Costs, and the State Constitution 公开 Deposited
- Abstract
- The purpose of the adequacy movement is to give all students the opportunity to reach their potential. This is no easy task, but the results of a cost study would provide a basis for reasoned discussion and policy reform.
- Creator
- Date Issued
- 2004-01-01
- Academic Affiliation
- Subject
- Teacher Education
- High-Stakes Testing and Evaluation
- Language and Learning
- Diversity: Race
- Vouchers
- Curriculum and Teaching
- Equity and Social Justice
- Assessment
- Culture
- Class
- Charter Schools
- and Professional Development
- and/or Gender
- Class Size
- Market-Based School Reforms
- Quality
- Ethnicity
- and School Practices
- Education Policy
- Early Childhood Education
- Student Achievement
- School Evaluation
- Politics
- Grade Retention
- Poverty
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act
- Teacher Evaluation
- School Finance and Funding
- Accountability and Testing
- School Reform and Restructuring
- Policy
- 最新修改
- 2020-01-02
- Resource Type
- 权利声明
- Language
- License
- 属于 Collection:
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fundingFloridasSchoolsAdequacyCostsAndTheStateConstit.pdf | 2020-01-02 | 公开 | 下载 |