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NEPC Review: The Drawbacks of Universal Pre-K: A Review of the Evidence (Manhattan Institute, February 2021) Public Deposited

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  • With universal pre-K and child care back on the national political agenda, increased scruti-
    ny of these proposals is expected and welcome. A Manhattan Institute policy brief reviews
    evidence relating to both means-tested and universal early childhood care and education
    programs. It concludes that both means-tested and universal programs may harm long-
    term child development, especially, but not only, for more advantaged children. The brief
    recommends rolling back the coverage of existing preschool education programs, increasing
    the intensity of services provided to the most deeply disadvantaged, and expanding child tax
    credits. The brief raises warnings about potential unintended negative consequences that
    are warranted, but omissions of research and unjustified assumptions make it a misleading
    and inadequate policy guide. The complexity of early care and education does not lend itself
    to simple policy prescriptions. A more meticulous review of the literature relying on fewer
    preconceptions might have led to more nuanced conclusions.

Academic Affiliation
Last Modified
  • 2024-07-16
Resource Type
Rights Statement


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