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Rethinking “the community” in university-community partnerships: Case studies from CU Engage Público Deposited

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  • We discuss an approach to research-practice partnerships that invites people directly affected by educational injustice to participate in identifying, analyzing, and addressing complex public problems. This participatory approach elevates the democratic potential of RPPs. RPPs are about more than just technical improvement; they represent a moral commitment to expand who gets to be in the room to define consequential decisions about policy and practice. We illustrate efforts to put this work into practice with three examples from our work with CU Engage, including student participatory action research focused on access and campus climate, community dialogues among staff and students, and parent organizing with Latino/a and immigrant families. In our conclusion, we share principles and tensions that can emerge when facilitating partnerships that strive to be attentive to issues of power and the different interests and timescales of partners.

Academic Affiliation
Última modificação
  • 2020-01-27
Resource Type
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