Data Set


The State of the North Pacific Jet and North Atlantic Jet in the Context of their Two Leading Modes of Variability Pubblico Deposited
  • This dataset describes the state and evolution of the North Pacific Jet and North Atlantic Jet in the context of their two leading modes of variability. The two leading modes of variability for each jet were determined by performing an EOF analysis of 250-hPa zonal winds over each oceanic basin during September–May 1979–2019 using the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) dataset. There are two data files contained within this dataset. The first identifies the principal components associated with the NPJ ("npj_cfsrpcs.tar") and the second identifies the principal components associated with the NAJ ("NAJ_unfilteredpcs_250hPa_with_regime.out"). For more details on the the construction of this dataset, the authors is referred to Winters et al. (2019a) and Winters and Walker (in review).

Date Issued
  • 2021-09-30
Academic Affiliation
Ultima modifica
  • 2021-10-04
Resource Type
Dichiarazione dei diritti
  • Winters, A. C. (2021). The State of the North Pacific Jet and North Atlantic Jet in the Context of their Two Leading Modes of Variability [Data set]. University of Colorado Boulder.

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