Data Set


TSIS-1 SIM V10 Solar Spectral Irradiance Public Deposited

    NASA’s Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor-1 (TSIS-1) operates on the International Space Station. TSIS-1 provides absolute measurements of the total solar irradiance (TSI) and spectral solar irradiance (SSI), important for accurate scientific models of climate change and solar variability. TSIS-1 is comprised of two instruments, the Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM), and the Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM).

    This repository archives Version 10 (V10) of the TSIS-1 SIM Level 3 (L3) data release, and contains SSI in two cadences, 12-hour and 24-hour. The TSIS-1 SIM L3 V10 data release contains data from 2018-03-14 to 2023-03-06. TSIS-1 SIM data obtained between 2022-03-19 and 2022-05-19 were affected by an anomaly of the sun-pointing sensor (HFSS-B), which offset pointing by ~1 arcminute. V08 introduced a spectral correction for this period, and V09 introduced the ADDITIONAL_UNCERTAINTY column in the data release that reflects the additional irradiance uncertainty associated with the spectral correction. 

    The TSIS-1 SIM prism degradation rate on the primary channel has recently increased, presumably due to increased solar activity. As a result, the V10 degradation models are not fully correcting for prism degradation in recent data. The V10 L3 data release (and this archive) was been halted and truncated to March 7, 2023, since irradiance errors could exceed 0.1% (1/2 of the baseline accuracy requirement) after this date. Users should not use any previously published V10 data beyond March 7, 2023, as errors up to 0.3% were present. The V11 TSIS-1 SIM L3 data release, containing the full dataset, and mitigating the prism degradation rate issue described here, was released on August 30, 2023.

    See the attached TSIS_SIM_V10_Release_Notes.pdf or the TSIS SIM Data Products Release Notes page ( for further details, and instructions for obtaining the latest TSIS-1 SIM L3 data release.

    Data is archived in ASCII, netCDF, and IDL SAVfile format.

Date Issued
  • 2023-03-06
Academic Affiliation
Dernière modification
  • 2024-04-02
  • TSIS-1 SIM V10
  • Boulder
URL associée
Resource Type
Déclaration de droits
Date Available
  • 2023-09-01
Peer Reviewed
  • Penton, Steven V., Chambliss, M., Richard, E., Béland, S., Brooks, K., Charbonneau, L., Coddington, O., Peck, C., (2023). TSIS-1 SIM V10 Solar Spectral Irradiance [Data set]. University of Colorado Boulder,

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