Data Set


FIRED South Sudan Nov 2000 - July 2024 Public Deposited
  • This is event-level polygons for the fire event delineation (FIRED) product for South Korea from November 2000 to August 2024. It is derived from the MODIS MCD64A1 burned area product (see for more details). The MCD64A1 is a monthly raster grid of estimated burned dates. Firedpy ( is an algorithm that converts these rasters into events by stacking the entire time series into a spatial-temporal data cube, then uses an algorithm to assign event identification numbers to pixels that fit into the same 3-dimensional spatial temporal window. This particular dataset was created using a spatial parameter of 1 pixels and 5 days. Daily polygons are included and the event identification numbers are the same for both files, but the event-level product has only single polygons for each entire event, while the daily product has separate polygons for each date per event. See the associated paper for more details

Date Issued
  • 2024
Academic Affiliation
Dernière modification
  • 2024-11-19
Resource Type
Déclaration de droits

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