Conference Proceeding


Listening to Our Users: Comparing Feedback and Insights from Multiple Surveys and Points of Contact Public Deposited

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  • The Texas A&M; University Libraries annually conducts several surveys and focus groups that seek to understand and identify the needs and expectations of Users. The purpose of this paper and presentation will be to collate the findings of these separate listening devices and then report the similar and desperate themes that came out of these collected works. We will also discuss how effective and interactive these tools can be when delivered at critical points within our library services. Each year the University Libraries conducts two surveys and one focus group project. These are the Association of Research Libraries’ LibQUAL+™ survey (in use for 12 years), the Library Instruction Services Feedback Form analysis (in use for 4 years) and the Web Usability Study (in use for 6 years). In addition, beginning in 2012, the Libraries will use Transactional Surveys at our Customer Service Desks and eMail surveys as part of our user-driven acquisitions policy (pilot study was conducted in 2009). Previously, no study has been conducted to compare and contrast the data that has resulted, or that will result, from these Customer listening tools. As we begin to experiment with more of the 9 listening devices outlined in Leonard Berry’s book, Delivering quality service, we need to look at the importance and impact of each tool, how these individual efforts interact and support one another and how sustainable these programs will be for the Libraries. Overall, our goal is to address our search for identifying the most effective means of reaching out to our Customers so that we can understand what their current and potential needs are with regard to the services and resources that we provide. We will do this by reviewing data, discussing common and unique themes, considering sustainability of listening tools and pin-pointing critical points of Customer interaction where we can best seek out these insights.
Date Issued
  • 2012-07-18
Conference Name
Conference Location
Event Dates
  • 18-Jul-12
Academic Affiliation
Journal Title
Last Modified
  • 2020-01-09
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Rights Statement
  • Maciel, Michael and Leslie J. Reynolds. “Listening to Our Users: Comparing Feedback and Insights from Multiple Surveys and Points of Contact.” The Future is Now: SLA 2012 Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois: July 18, 2012.

