Media and Climate Change Observatory Monthly Summary - Issue 23, November 2018 Público Deposited
- Abstract
November media attention to climate change and global warming was down 8% throughout the world from October 2018, and up about 33% from November last year. Radio coverage held steady from October 2018 but was up 27% from November 2017. Across all sources, regionally an increase was detected in Europe (up 11%). Elsewhere, moderate decreases from October to November 2018 were found in North America (down 8%), Asia (down 14%) and Central/South America (down 17%), while more substantial downturns in the quantity of coverage were found in the Middle East (down 21%), Oceania (down 34%) and Africa (down 39%).
- Creator
- Date Issued
- 2018-12-01
- Academic Affiliation
- Journal Issue/Number
- 23
- Última modificação
- 2020-07-16
- Resource Type
- Declaração de direitos
- Language
- Citation
- Boykoff, M., Katzung, J., & Nacu-Schmidt, A. (2018). Media and Climate Change Observatory Monthly Summary - Issue 23, November 2018. Center for Science and Technology Policy Research.
- License
- Em Collection:
Miniatura | Título | Data de carga | Acesso | Ações |
mediaAndClimateChangeObservatoryMonthlySummaryIssue23.pdf | 2019-12-09 | Público | Baixar |