How should we understand the development of modern technology? How have new technologies shaped our society, culture, and politics, and how have they been shaped? This class is designed to help engineers use historical thinking and methods to better understand the history of technology and their own engineering practices. We'll...
What The Project Is
A five-part workshop series to prepare international students to be successful in theirsearch for jobs and internships.
This workshop series will help international students:• Develop a better sense of who they are, what they are interested in, skills they havedeveloped, and what they value in a...
Contemporary research has established that assessments are most effective when they provide students (and faculty) with feedback on their learning in relation to the course learning objectives.^ Formative assessments align with the fact that learning is an iterative process and a "work in progress." It's also true that the...
What are legal clinics?
• Developed to increase equitable access to justice and respond to unmet legal needs by providing pro bono legal service
• Bridge legal theory and practice through experiential learning
• Different substantive legal focuses but share similar pedagogical approaches
• Examples: “plan, act, reflect, grow”, case...
Students are not on the same page when it comes to writingStudents' ability to follow a paper-writing structure properly is directly correlated with their chances of doing well in college or universityWe often take it for granted that they know academic writing.My project addresses this gap and proposes incorporating...
This Just & Equitable Teaching Micro-credential Capstone centers the voices of historically excluded undergraduate students in course design for the Student Academic Success Center (SASC) section of ARSC2000: Constructions of Knowledge. This project aims to expand on the existing role of undergraduate students who have earned positions as Instructional Assistants...
In this Earth Matters elective class, students develop their English skills while learning about the environment and exploring vital topics related to ecological conservation. Students immerse themselves in the vibrant CU and Boulder scientific communities and interact with organizations that work to protect the local and global ecosystems through innovative...