The present section provides a different sort of access to the Person Concept, with emphasis on the concepts of Person and Behavior, particularly in relation to the reality concepts and specifically excluding reference to verbal behavior. This access is given by a set of related mottoes, or maxims. These maxims...
The present monograph is the precursor of a more systematic effort designed to provide the initial substance of a new psychological discipline, designated as Descriptive Psychology.
The problem of doing justice to both uniformities and differences with respect to the structural aspects of behavior is addressed. The implications of the Significance parameter of behavior are developed in the form of a conceptual framework for a multicultural psychology. Problems of delineating and differentiating cultural perspectives in non-ethnocentric...
Optimizing human interaction with information systems is the focus of this report. Ossorio and Popov address evaulation of information systems and functional configurations within a general informational context. They attempt to forumulate a model for evaluation of the information systems in a simple and direct fashion. This report was prepared...
This report outlines the Status Management Theory, originally titled the Degradation-Accreditation Theory for application in correctional settings for deterrence or rehabilitation of criminal perpetrators.
In this paper two research paradigms are presented. These are the Precaution Paradigm and the Simulation Paradigm. They are derived from the person concept by means of representational schemas which are already a part of Descriptive Psychology. The use of these paradigms in evaluation research is discussed and illustrated. Material...
Ossorio and Popov answer the question "How can we achieve and maintain an effective statewide system-integrated training program and curriculum?" by focusing their suggested outcomes based on outcome objectives based in technical skills and knowledge, interpersonal effictiveness, role identification, and competence.
The initial presentation of ideas in this paper were in "What Actually Happens". In this paper, Ossorio presents additional examples for integrating methodology and theory (or 'methodological' formulation and 'substantive' formulation) in pursuit of a unified practice in the behavioral sciences.