Travaux en vedette
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Strengthening Oversight of Education Savings Account (ESA) Funding for Private and At-Home Schooling
Creator: Baisden, Trevor, Huerta, Luis A.
Subject: Education Savings Accounts, School Choice, Homeschooling, School Finance and Funding, Vouchers, Tuition Tax Credits, Private Schools
Resource Type: Policy Brief
Fission Yeast Live Cell Imaging and Quantification Datasets
Creator: Jones, Michele H.; Gergely, Zachary H.; Steckhahn, Daniel; Zhou, Bojun; Betterton, Meredith D.
Subject: no subject specified
Resource Type: Data Set
Foundations of High Performance Computing Micro-credential Checklist - Young Hyun Koo
Creator: Koo, Young Hyun
Subject: no subject specified
Resource Type: Other
Foundations of High Performance Computing Micro-credential Checklist - Shane Ridoux
Creator: Ridoux, Shane
Subject: no subject specified
Resource Type: Other