Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Earning a Higher Celery: A Participatory Impact Assessment of the Nabasunga Primary School Garden Pubblico Deposited

  • This thesis investigated the impacts of a garden at the Nabasunga Primary School (NPS) in Zambia. Community gardens can improve economic stability, local food supply, health, and education. In 2017, the Day by De Foundation provided the resources for a community garden in the NPS. An established framework, the Participatory Impact Assessment (PIA), was applied to assess the garden to determine whether a chicken farm should be added on. Fifteen individual stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and community members of at least 18 years of age and living in the Nabasunga community were surveyed in retrospect to the garden’s implementation. Health and education were the top rated priorities of the survey participants and were therefore prioritized in assessing the benefits of the garden. Eighty percent of the participants’ reported personal priorities and forty-six percent of reported expectations of the garden were met. The real impacts of the garden included feeding school patrons and community members, educating teachers on nutrition and gardening skills, increasing gardening interest, offering opportunities for community engagement, as well as providing a source of income and means for self-reliance for the school. I concluded that the garden was successful for the school, Nabasunga community, and the Day by De Foundation. This study revealed the importance of a grassroots approach to aid, beyond the Day by De Foundation’s work. It is imperative for organizations providing humanitarian aid to start this process with a preliminary roundtable discussion that includes stakeholders from diverse demographic groups represented among the beneficiaries prior to a project’s implementation to determine their priorities, needs, and expectations for the project and then follow up afterward to assure completion and satisfaction among these individuals. This study revealed that humanitarian project assessments can be successfully conducted via online communication.
Date Awarded
  • 2019-01-01
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Ultima modifica
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type
Dichiarazione dei diritti

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