Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Enduring Moments 公开 Deposited
  • Enduring Moments is an abstract concept that aligns with personal struggles, experiences, and beliefs transitioning into ruins, evoking uncertainty that persists in a cycle of lament and regret. Throughout my life, I’ve observed the delicate equilibrium between internal feelings and external circumstances. I explore the emotions that surface during challenging periods, seeking clarity around life’s mysteries and realizing the impermanence of existence. I view life as a suspended state between the natural and the abstract, the past and the future, without fully belonging to either realm. Embracing this liminality gives rise to enigmatic qualities, intertwining with life’s mysteries and shaping a perplexing yet captivating journey. Over time, I have translated these mysteries into tangible sensations. These visual expressions are influenced by metaphors, mythologies, symbols, and allegories accompanied by a personal narrative describing themes of regret, desire, contemplation, death, and rebirth to explore the ephemeral nature of existence. My intension is to honor humanity’s resilience in the face of pain, adversity, and mortality encompassing catastrophes and tragedies all while upholding our values, beliefs, and principles, ultimately embracing hope.


Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
  • 2024-05-01
Resource Type

