Citation Formats


Gaskins, H Rex, et al. Gut Microbiome of Coexisting Baaka Pygmies and Bantu Reflects Gradients of Traditional Subsistence Patterns.


Gaskins, H., Vlckova, K., Leigh, S., Burns, M., White, B., Robinson, C., Gomez, A., Yeoman, C., Petrzelkova, K., Blekhman, R., Modry, D., Stumpf, R., Amato, K., Wilson, B., Umaña, J., Nelson, K., Remis, M., Morton, E., Todd, A., Torralba, M., & Carbonero, F. Gut Microbiome of Coexisting BaAka Pygmies and Bantu Reflects Gradients of Traditional Subsistence Patterns.


Gaskins, H Rex, Klara Vlckova, Steven R Leigh, Michael B Burns, Bryan A White, Carolyn A Jost Robinson, Andres Gomez et al. Gut Microbiome of Coexisting Baaka Pygmies and Bantu Reflects Gradients of Traditional Subsistence Patterns.