------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Anomalously-strong jet streaks in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis over North America and the North Atlantic during 1979–2018 2. Authors: Andrew C. Winters 3. Contact information: andrew.c.winters@colorado.edu 4. Date of data collection: 10/30/2020 -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: No restrictions 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Winters (2021, to be submitted to the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society) 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: 4. Recommended citation for the data: --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List: A. Filename: strong_jets_90per_24h_filter_comma.out B. Filename: strong_jets_90per_centroids_24h_filter.out C. Filename: strong_jets_90per_24h_filter_comma_90-100ms.out D. Filename: strong_jets_90per_centroids_24h_filter_90-100ms.out E. Filename: strong_jets_90per_24h_filter_comma_80-90ms.out F. Filename: strong_jets_90per_centroids_24h_filter_80-90ms.out G. Filename: wrfout_2013decjet.nc H. Filename: wrfout_2013decjet_nolh_new.nc 2. Relationship between files: File A lists the dates of all strong jet events that rank in the top 10% in terms of the areal coverage of 250-hPa wind speeds in excess of 100 m/s over North America and the North Atlantic. File B lists the latitude–longitude centroid of each strong jet event in File A. Files C and D are identical to those in Files A and B, but for those jets that rank in the top 10% in terms of the areal coverage of 250-hPa wind speeds between 90-100 m/s. Files E and F are identical to those in Files A and B, but for those jets that rank in the top 10% in terms of the areal coverage of 250-hPa wind speeds between 80-90 m/s. File G is the output from a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation of a strong jet event from 22 December 2013 with full physics. File H is the output from a WRF model simulation of the same strong jet event examined in File C, except that microphysical heating and the cumulus parameterization are turned off for the model simulation in File H. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- Strong jet events are dates that rank in the top 10% in terms of the areal coverage of 250-hPa wind speeds in excess of 100 m/s over North America and the North Atlantic. All identified events are then filtered spatially and temporally to consolidate jet events that are associated with the same synoptic-scale evolution. The times listed in File A correspond to the first time that the jet streak qualifies as a strong jet event. A similar methodology is used to identify jet events within the 90-100 m/s and 80-90 m/s wind speed categories. For full details regarding jet event identification methodology, please refer to Winters (2021). For both model simulations, refer to the file metadata for details on the model parameterizations utilized and the variables included. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: strong_jets_90per_24h_filter_comma.out ; strong_jets_90per_24h_filter_comma_90-100ms.out ; strong_jets_90per_24h_filter_comma_80-90ms.out ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 1 2. Number of cases/rows: 61 cases / 4 rows 3. Variable List: A. Name: Start date of strong jet event Description: For each of the 61 cases, the format of the date is YYYY,MM,DD,HH. The time is in UTC. B. Name: Description: 4. Data codes (e.g., N/A = Not applicable): ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: strong_jets_90per_centroids_24h_filter.out ; strong_jets_90per_centroids_24h_filter_90-100ms.out ; strong_jets_90per_centroids_24h_filter_80-90ms.out ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 1 2. Number of cases/rows: 61 cases / 2 rows 3. Variable List: A. Name: Latitude and longitude centroid of the jet streak at the start of each jet event Description: For each of the 61 cases, the format of the centroid is latitude (degrees N), longitude (degrees East) B. Name: Description: 4. Data codes (e.g., N/A = Not applicable):