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vector2, \ varvec2, way2, diff, obj}]{Input}\\n k=3;\\n t = 2;\\n s1 = \ \\\\mmaUnderOver{\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\sum}\\\\)}{i=1}{k}(y[i])/k;\\n s2 = \ \\\\mmaUnderOver{\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\sum}\\\\)}{i=1}{k}(y[i]-s1)^2/k;\\n (* 2x2 \ matrix *)\\n x[1] = (x111\\tx112\\n x121\\tx122);\\n x[2] = \ (x211\\tx212\\n x221\\tx222);\\n x[3] = (x311\\tx312\\n x321\\tx322);\\n \ m=(m1\\tm2\\n m3\\tm4);\\n id = (1\\t0\\n 0\\t1);\\n (* implementation of \ new formula *)\\n startTime=AbsoluteTime[];\\n P=0;\\n terms = \ MonomialList[Sum[\\\\mmaFrac{\\\\mmaSup{(-1)}{i} \ (2i-1)!!Binomial[t,2i]}{Product[k+2j-3,\\\\{j,1,i\\\\}]}\\\\mmaSup{s1}{t-2i}\\\ \\mmaSup{s2}{i},\\\\{i,0,Floor[t/2]\\\\}]]; (* list of monomial terms in P \ *)\\n \\n For[i=1,i\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\leq}\\\\)Length[terms],i++,\\n term = \ terms[[i]];\\n x1exp = Exponent[term,y[1]];\\n x2exp = Exponent[term,y[2]];\ \\n x3exp = Exponent[term,y[3]];\\n \\n exponents=\\\\{x1exp,x2exp,x3exp\\\ \\}; (* list of the exponents appearing in this type of term *)\\n \\n type \ = y[1]^x1exp y[2]^x2exp y[3]^x3exp; (* strip the coefficient from the term *)\ \\n coefficient = term/type; (* only the coefficient remains *)\\n \\n \ list = \\\\{\\\\};\\n \ For[ii=1,ii\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\leq}\\\\)Length[exponents],ii++,\\n list = \ Join[list,ConstantArray[ii,exponents[[ii]]]];\\n ];\\n orders = \ Permutations[list];(* Get permutations of the term *)\\n divisor = \ Length[orders]; (* count number of permutations *)\\n permutations=0;\\n \ For[j=1,j\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\leq}\\\\) Length[orders],j++,\\n \ order=orders[[j]];\\n current = id;\\n \ For[ii=1,ii\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\leq}\\\\)t,ii++,\\n current = \ current.x[order[[ii]]]; (* add each observation to the product in order *)\\n \ ];\\n permutations += current; (* sum all permutations *)\\n ];\\n term = \ coefficient permutations /(divisor); (* add coefficient and average *)\\n \ P+=term;\\n ];\\n \\n endTime=AbsoluteTime[];\\n \ Print[\\\\{t,endTime-startTime\\\\}]; \\n (* implementation of old formula \ *)\\n startTime=AbsoluteTime[];\\n d0 = (x[1]+x[2]+x[3])/3;\\n a1 = \ 1/Sqrt[2k];\\n a2 = -a1;\\n \\n xxx1 = MatrixPower[(d0 + \\\\mmaDef{i}(a1 \ x[1] + a2 x[2])),t] ;\\n xxx2 = MatrixPower[(d0 + \\\\mmaDef{i}(a1 x[1] + a2 \ x[3])),t] ;\\n xxx3 = MatrixPower[(d0 + \\\\mmaDef{i}(a1 x[2] + a2 x[3])),t] \ ;\\n P2 = ComplexExpand[(Re[(xxx1+xxx2+xxx3)]/3)];\\n \ endTime=AbsoluteTime[];\\n Print[\\\\{t,endTime-startTime\\\\}]; \\n (* \ calculate covariance matrix based on new formula *)\\n startTime = \ AbsoluteTime[];\\n vector1= Flatten[(P-MatrixPower[m,t])];\\n varvec1 = \ Partition[vector1,1].Partition[vector1,4];\\n \ way1=Table[Expectation[Expectation[Expectation[Expand[varvec1[[i,j]]],\\\\{\ x111,x112,x121,x122\\\\}\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\unicode{f3d2}}\\\\)\ MultinormalDistribution[\\\\{m1,m2,m3,m4\\\\},\\\\mmaSup{\\\\mmaUnd{\\\\(\\\\\ pmb{\\\\sigma}\\\\)}}{2}IdentityMatrix[4]]],\\\\{x211,x212,x221,x222\\\\}\\\\(\ \\\\pmb{\\\\unicode{f3d2}}\\\\)MultinormalDistribution[\\\\{m1,m2,m3,m4\\\\},\ \\\\mmaSup{\\\\mmaUnd{\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\sigma}\\\\)}}{2}IdentityMatrix[4]]],\\\ \\{x311,x312,x321,x322\\\\}\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\unicode{f3d2}}\\\\)\ MultinormalDistribution[\\\\{m1,m2,m3,m4\\\\},\\\\mmaSup{\\\\mmaUnd{\\\\(\\\\\ pmb{\\\\sigma}\\\\)}}{2}IdentityMatrix[4]]],\\\\{i,1,4\\\\},\\\\{j,1,4\\\\}];\ \\n endTime=AbsoluteTime[];\\n Print[\\\\{t,endTime-startTime\\\\}]; \\n \ (* calculate covariance matrix based on old formula *)\\n startTime = \ AbsoluteTime[];\\n vector2= Flatten[(P2-MatrixPower[m,t])];\\n varvec2 = \ Partition[vector2,1].Partition[vector2,4];\\n \ way2=Table[Expectation[Expectation[Expectation[Expand[varvec2[[i,j]]],\\\\{\ x111,x112,x121,x122\\\\}\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\unicode{f3d2}}\\\\)\ MultinormalDistribution[\\\\{m1,m2,m3,m4\\\\},\\\\mmaSup{\\\\mmaUnd{\\\\(\\\\\ pmb{\\\\sigma}\\\\)}}{2}IdentityMatrix[4]]],\\\\{x211,x212,x221,x222\\\\}\\\\(\ \\\\pmb{\\\\unicode{f3d2}}\\\\)MultinormalDistribution[\\\\{m1,m2,m3,m4\\\\},\ \\\\mmaSup{\\\\mmaUnd{\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\sigma}\\\\)}}{2}IdentityMatrix[4]]],\\\ \\{x311,x312,x321,x322\\\\}\\\\(\\\\pmb{\\\\unicode{f3d2}}\\\\)\ MultinormalDistribution[\\\\{m1,m2,m3,m4\\\\},\\\\mmaSup{\\\\mmaUnd{\\\\(\\\\\ pmb{\\\\sigma}\\\\)}}{2}IdentityMatrix[4]]],\\\\{i,1,4\\\\},\\\\{j,1,4\\\\}];\ \\n endTime=AbsoluteTime[];\\n Print[\\\\{t,endTime-startTime\\\\}]; \\n \ (* compare new vs old *)\\n diff = way2-way1;\\n Eigenvalues[diff]\\n \ obj=EvaluationCell[];\\n\\\\end{mmaCell}\"\>"], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.6975015850821247`*^9}] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{979, 666}, WindowMargins->{{142, Automatic}, {-154, Automatic}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (December 4, 2014)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 91, 2, 31, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[674, 26, 18687, 511, 1982, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[19386, 541, 142, 3, 23, "Print"], Cell[19531, 546, 142, 3, 23, "Print"], Cell[19676, 551, 142, 3, 23, "Print"], Cell[19821, 556, 142, 3, 23, "Print"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20012, 565, 296, 6, 31, "Input"], Cell[20311, 573, 4945, 68, 1992, "Output"] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)