04:38:19 Shane Wallace: Please don't hesitate to add any questions to the chat 04:39:11 Jen Kirk, Utah State University: I had a similar question, Shane. How should we reach out? 04:39:24 Carl Olson: May I see the speakers' contact information again? 04:39:53 Bruce Pencek: If you are plugged into state humanities councils and researchers, think about what your library can offer to people seeking or administering NEH 'Dialogues on the Experience of War ' grants. List of awards: https://securegrants.neh.gov/PublicQuery/main.aspx?q=1&a=0&n=0&o=0&k=0&f=0&s=0&cd=0&p=1&pv=297&d=0&y=0&prd=0&cov=0&prz=0&wp=0&pg=0&ob=year&or=DESC 04:42:29 Jen Kirk, Utah State University: Thank you, Tom! 04:42:37 Carl Olson: Thank you very much! 04:42:49 Jennifer Jones: Thank you so much for these great resources! I am a veteran myself, and have been wanting to find ways to better partner with veterans in my community. This was perfect! 04:42:52 mbarker: Thank you, Tom. :) 04:43:02 Nina: Thanks for the list of resources! 04:43:11 Bruce Pencek: And if your project is successful, consider submitting an MS to a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, the Journal of Veterans Studies ,. 04:43:15 KChiriboga: I'm a military spouse, and this information was great. Thank you