Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


An Integrated Optimization Approach to Establish Energy Efficiency Recommendations for Residential and Commercial Buildings in Salamanca Mexico Public Deposited
  • Energy use attributed to buildings accounts for 19% of the total energy consumption in Mexico and is estimated to rapidly increase with future building development. The existing Mexican energy efficiency standards (NOM-ENER) are primarily developed through a component based approach where energy efficiency guidelines are outlined for individual pieces of equipment with no interactions between these components taken into consideration. In this investigation, a holistic and integrative energy analysis approach is considered to improve energy efficiency in residential and commercial office building buildings. Specifically, the study investigates the interactions between various energy efficiency measures and thermal comfort measures for existing and new construction residential and commercial buildings in Salamanca, Guanajuato using detailed simulation and optimization procedures.The results from the residential optimization analysis suggest a combination of improved appliance efficiencies, increased levels of roof and wall thermal insulation and improved water heating system efficiencies is required to achieve a minimum cost solution which results in nearly 52% annual energy savings for new homes. The commercial office building energy optimization analysis indicates that the greatest potential for energy conservation in both new and existing offices is achieved by reducing office equipment plug loads and more efficient lighting technology and controls. Over 49% annual energy savings is achieved in the retrofit and new construction commercial office building analysis.
Date Issued
  • 2011
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Last Modified
  • 2019-11-18
Resource Type
Rights Statement

