Volume 21
Graduate Working Papers

Teachers’ Differential Treatment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students during Sharing Time

Laura Méndez Barletta
University of Colorado Boulder


  • education

How to Cite

Barletta , L. M. . (2008). Teachers’ Differential Treatment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students during Sharing Time. Colorado Research in Linguistics, 21. https://doi.org/10.25810/tf1r-yj06


This synthesis includes 19 studies that investigate children’s narrative styles during “sharing time.” It looks at teachers’ responses to children’s talk and how teachers’ responses affect children’s school performance and evaluation. Findings reveal that when there is a match between the language of the teacher and the student during sharing time, the student receives positive feedback and is allowed to practice her or his oral preparation for literacy. On the other hand, when there is a mismatch between the language of the teacher and that of the student during sharing time, teachers often fail to see the point of what the student is saying. In many cases, the teacher cuts off or interrupts the student, inhibiting the student’s acquisition of literacy skills. This article discusses the differential treatment students receive during sharing time depending upon whether a match or mismatch of teacher/student discourse is present.