Undergraduate Honors Thesis


From Souvenir to Person: Making a Case for Repatriation Public Deposited

  • First and foremost I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn from this individual whose remains have been temporarily in our care. A special thank you to my thesis advisor Dr. Lauren Hosek who took me on as a student despite not knowing me very well. Without her help, patience, and kind words of encouragement this thesis would not be possible. Thank you to Dr. Gerardo Gutierrez for serving as co-advisor and allowing me to study the mummy bundle under his custody, using his laboratory instruments and taking time out of his schedule to assist me in its material analysis. Thank you to Dr. Steven Leigh and Dr. Tony Wood for forming part of my committee, without your guidance I would not be here. I am also in great debt to my parents, Jose M. Menchaca and Celina Garza, who have supported me financially allowing me to focus on my higher education. Thank you to my partner, Matt Hubert, who has made my life a little easier during this stressful but rewarding time. I would also like to thank my high school history teacher Mr. Dauajare who encouraged me throughout my high school career to strive for excellence while still being true to myself. Without him I am not sure I would have had the drive to take on a project of this magnitude. Finally I would like to thank my companion and feline friend, Ghost, who accompanied me during my writing sessions by keeping my lap warm and reminding me to take breaks.

Date Awarded
  • 2023-10-31
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Last Modified
  • 2023-11-08
Resource Type
Rights Statement


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