Undergraduate Honors Thesis


We are all in it Together: Managers' Differing Views of Competing Hierarchical Structures in a College Radio Station Public Deposited

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  • In this study, I described and analyzed the competing hierarchical structures within a college radio station. The station has two formalized, vertical positions and a horizontal hierarchy of managers, making the structure similar to an “upside-down T.” I interviewed and observed all but three of the managers in the radio station over a threemonth period. Despite the upper managers’ desire to formalize the radio station hierarchy, the station maintains a mix of a formal and informal hierarchy where all the managers feel like they are equal to one another except for the General Manager and Operations Manager. I argue that the main reasons for the arrangement include proximity and size, which leads to friendships, and a lack of prior enforcement of a formalized structure.
Date Awarded
  • 2013-04-05
Academic Affiliation
Granting Institution
Last Modified
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type
Rights Statement


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