Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Stellar Mapping Using Quadratic Limb-Darkening Public Deposited


    In this thesis, I create useful visualizations of stars empirically from transit observations and theoretically from stellar parameters. Transit photometry has been a popular method to find exoplanets and information about star and planet systems many light-years away. Since most stars are too far away to be seen directly, creating stellar visualizations is an important tool for modeling stars. When creating visualizations, limb-darkening must be considered. Limb-darkening is the visual darkening along the outside, or limbs, of a star. This effect is more dramatic at shorter wavelengths, such as visible light, making it easier to see the darkening of limbs. A recent transit of WASP-39 captured from the James Webb Space Telescope is used to create stellar models for this star, using fitted empirical limb-darkening coefficients. Theoretical models for WASP-39 will also be created using theoretically determined coefficients. While complicated, generating empirical and theoretical limb-darkening profiles is a useful way of modeling stars too far away to observe. 

Date Awarded
  • 2023-04-11
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Granting Institution
Last Modified
  • 2023-04-18
Resource Type
Rights Statement


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