Undergraduate Honors Thesis


Cross-Race Effect Reduction: Insights from Eye-Tracking and Social Background Analyses Public Deposited

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  • The cross-race effect (CRE) is a phenomenon where people are better able to remember faces of their own race. Studies show that the CRE can be reduced by making participants aware of the effect, and by asking them to pay close attention to cross-race faces during the encoding phase. The objectives of this study were to reduce the CRE effect, to track eye movement, and to gather information of social background to further understand the CRE process. Data collected from 77 participants confirmed the CRE. However, the manipulation applied to the experimental group failed to improve the recognition performance of cross-race faces, suggesting that participants engaged in an ineffective encoding process. Eye tracker data confirmed previous findings and showed: less and longer fixations when looking at cross-race faces, and higher number of fixations in the areas of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Finally, the relationship between incremental experience with cross-race faces and a reduction of the CRE was inconclusive due to self-reporting issues.
Date Awarded
  • 2017-01-01
Academic Affiliation
Granting Institution
Last Modified
  • 2019-12-02
Resource Type
Rights Statement


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