

A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Impact-Resistant Asphalt Shingle Roofing--Presentation Public Deposited
  • The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction creates and disseminates disaster resilience knowledge for Canada. Among the catastrophes ICLR addresses are hailstorms, one of Canada’s most serious natural hazards. Hail costs $400 million annually. A June 2020 hailstorm at the edge of Calgary damaged 77,000 homes and cost $1.4 billion. Much of that money paid for roof repairs. A direct hit on Calgary could be 5 to 10 times worse. Though the hailstorm is inevitable, the catastrophe is not. Using impact-resistant asphalt shingle roofs instead of standard shingles adds $3,400 to the cost of an average-sixed roof, but saves up to 8 times as much, reduces the chance of damage by 15 times and the cost if damage does occur by half. In Calgary, the shingles pay for themselves in 5 years. Benefits and costs scale with roof size and location matters. The shingles make financial sense anywhere it hails at least once a year on average. Places with more-frequent hailstorms see more benefit; less-frequent, less benefit. 

Academic Affiliation
Last Modified
  • 2022-04-01
Resource Type
Rights Statement

