Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Body and Bass: Unlocking Greater Potential Through Awareness, Mindfulness, and Physicality Public Deposited
  • The double bass, with its substantial size, thick strings, and awkward weight distribution, presents ergonomic challenges for bassists. These features make it difficult to maneuver and can put individuals into uncomfortable positions, especially while performing in the extremities of the instrument. Comfortable, full body engagement is required to achieve a well-rounded sound, but this aspect is often neglected, leading to an increased risk of tension buildup, strain, or injury. Awareness and knowledge of human anatomy and physical capability should be explored by bassists to assist in their career progression and longevity. Concepts from the Alexander Technique and Body Mapping are key resources for unlocking this potential. F.M. Alexander’s discoveries can help a bassist to achieve balance and alignment in their body, while Body Mapping enhances awareness of the body’s structure and capabilities. Together, these ideas make it possible for one to constructively address and adapt their playing from a physically orientated standpoint.

    Anatomical, kinesthetic, physiological, and psychological aspects – with influence informed by a sports athlete’s perspective – will also be discussed. These ideas can increase the efficacy and growth of a player while also decreasing the likelihood of sustaining or prolonging an injury. In the unfortunate likelihood that one experiences an injury, a return-to-play plan can be implemented to help speed recovery, reducing the amount of time spent away from the instrument.

    This paper is written from the perspective of a double bassist who uses a French bow and plays in a seated position.

Academic Affiliation
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Last Modified
  • 2025-02-03
Resource Type
Rights Statement

