Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Fugitive Landscapes Public Deposited

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  • "Fugitive Landscapes" is about landscapes as they are translated through representation. The show deals with the subjectivity of representation and the problematics of descriptive frameworks - frameworks which themselves become metaphorical landscapes in the location of meaning. 

    While "real" landscape exists as a continuum, we understand it as fragmentary - as a collection of "views" represented within the boundaries of culture and "sites" described within the boundaries of physical structures. My work attempts to place the subjectivity of these boundaries by visually and conceptually transgressing them. Thus in the work, a physically finite box can't contain infinite reflections of a fragmented prairie; and words contingent upon absent images instead represent language itself as fugitive and contingent. 

    In displacing these boundaries, "Fugitive Landscapes" becomes about "views" as they are complicated and broken by the frames of our looking. These "views" transgress physical and cultural structures and at the same time reflect them. They implicate the "desire" of looking - the need to frame in terms of what we wish to see. The work addresses this desire as it is manifest in the nostalgia of the west. The frontier thus becomes a stage for the "heroic gesture" - the gesture which will reclaim uncivilized and "other" within the frameworks of culture. 

    It is within cultural frameworks, (the spaces of language, image, constructions and art), that we place meaning; these frameworks themselves become the metaphorical landscapes for its location. "Fugitive Landscapes" describes meanings created through the fragmentation of the metaphorical landscapes. Ultimately, the work is about reclaiming a continuum within which representation is inherently incomplete


Date Issued
  • 1989
Additional Information
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Last Modified
  • 2021-04-20
Resource Type
Rights Statement

